Friday, March 25, 2011

Photo Trial One - Basic White Balance & ISO

As I prepared for my practice today - I realised I really should be cleaning my house instead of playing photographer. Anyway a quick tidy of my kitchen so I could show you the light in the room. Two windows please three overhead bulbs. We also have a picture window in the living room directly behind me...

I am going to use my tripod - for several reasons. The biggest reason - a baby and a 5 year old. There is no way I will get through this without interruptions (which I didn't). This will also help when doing longer shutter speeds.

Subject matter - Babe's new shoes (aren't they great!). Being a Mom 99% of my photos of are the kids - this will change as they grow and run from my camera.

1. Set the ISO - the higher the ISO number, the less light you need to make a picture.
2. Setting the White Balance (WB) tells the camera the type of light that is in the scene.
3. Program AE(P-mode)
This mode is fully automatic, but shiftable mode. You can change the exposure, shutter speed, aperture (so we are just getting our feet wet with a few minor white balance and ISO settings)

Now a final test - which ISO setting was the best...?
no specific order....take a guess...

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