Thursday, March 24, 2011


In our house tv time is that we have a new baby in the house Little Miss (age 5) tends to watch her morning CBC cartoons with Mommy in a dazed/sleepy state.

Last week as I went into her room to feed the baby I misread the clock, I thought it was 6:45 (twas only 5:45)...after her playing and talking for the better part of an hour I couldn't figure out why her Dad wasn't getting up for work (and getting her out of my hair for a bit!). I told her she could turn on the tv for cartoons... well of course it wasn't even 7am Little Miss has only an infomercial to watch. I saw that and asked her to come back to bed, but by this point she was wide awake and refused. It seemed like a harmless one and I checked that nothing stranger would be coming on. I said fine... why not for 15 minutes and I went to feed the baby.

That evening, after the wee ones were in bed, my husband asked me why Little Miss was talking to him at breakfast about hair straitening and curling! I laughed...I had forgotten about the infomercial that morning.

A week later it had left my mind, like most things these days. I was doing my hair (another rare accurance with a new baby) - straightening it, when Little Miss appeared in the doorway. "You KNOW you are burning your hair!" she said, I reassured her that I was not. Then she stated "I CAN see the steam coming off it!" in this matter of fact tone...the infomercial returns!

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