Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today is the day

That I finally started Enbrel. Having had the prescription in hand since has taken this long to have all the paperwork filled out and approved for the High Cost Drug Program and for my personal insurance coverage. I just spent about 30 minutes on the phone registering with the enliven program which is sponsored by the pharma company. They will send out a package with a new sharps container and alcohol swipes, also a travel kit. I must say it hurt like hell going in. I didn't expect that. The MTX is so easy to do. I have the syringes this month and next month I will try the injection pens. I have a new bike at home just waiting for me to be active again!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Swimming Lessons - check

Little Miss had a busy week at Swim Camp. Daily camps of activities and one swimming lesson a day. Her best friend from school also signed up with her. Oddly enough Grampie was hosting a big meeting in the same location, so she saw him each morning.

We had two picnic in the city after lessons with her friend and one evening playdate followed by a sleepover with her friend the next night in the camper. This was the first time she has had a friend sleepover.

They had a great time, playing Barbies, colouring and watching movies on the laptop. Then they fell asleep side by side in the double bed. The had a full day of playing the next day as well.

Sunday was a day of cleaning for us, and Little Miss kept herself quite busy making invitations for her upcoming Fairy Tea Party. This will take place next week in her Secret Woods.

My little Man is convince he may be Spiderman, and cannot get enough of wearing Spidey shirts and slinging webs around the house. He also decided to start speaking this week! “Help”

He also demonstrated how he can shimmy off the deck without using stairs! Eeeek.

My brother has arrived here for vacation - the next two weeks will be full of adventures with cousins. She was pretty excited to see them today.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Start of Summer

We have had a jam packed few days. An office magic show, fireworks with friends and reading Anne of Green Gables in the camper.

Little Miss decorated her bike for the Canada Day bike rodeo and won first prize. She danced in the street with her ballet class at a festival. Has a lovely Henna tattoo on her hand and many Canada flag ones too. Party with friends for the fireworks, followed by starting swimming lessons today with her best friend from school.

She declared that this weekend was some of the “best days ever”.

Mama is getting a bit creaky in the joints, I will have to watch myself that I pace my weekends a bit better. Tonight the little man was too tired to eat and barely made it through a bath. The tub has a ring of dirt - so he had a great day too!

Little Miss is busy in her day camp all week. The little man has needles and assessment with Public Health - ouch!