Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rabbit Garland

I saw this cute kit today, we made our own version of it drawing the rabbits and using scrapbook paper and stickers.

Here is a picture we took with the webcam...

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Win a Photo Session!!

What makes life large is the ordinary moments that make up each and every day. The simple, small and sometimes mundane aspects of home life, my hope is for you to see the beauty in those small things. One day you will look back and know they were the big things in life. What I would like is for you to send an email to and write a little about the small moments that make your life big. For instance, what moments challenge you…inspire you…make your heart bubble over with joy? What are the moments in your life right now that you would like to preserve for a lifetime?

Go here for more details:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Impromptu Photos

After my camera arrived home yesterday I was itching to play around with some settings again. Little Miss was busy with her Dad - so I grabbed my Little Man and took a few photos. We were in Little Miss' room - terrible lighting for photos. It has a 3 bulb ceiling lamp - and the room is very small.

F-stop 4.5 ISO 1600 WB Tungsten

I did try adjusting the ISO/F-stop - but given the light in this room this was the only way the photos were bright enough. As I imported them into the computer I could really see the grain. This you cannot really see on the little LCD on the camera.

My next attempt I will be hunting for some natural light and use lower ISO setting for a smoother finish.

I also have to calibrate my monitor - (that is correcting your monitor colour to a print)...I have been using a laptop lately and find it very hard to colour correct on it. May have to fire up the iMac again...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lots to learn - Exposure Triangle

After my first outing with my camera on manual - I was thrilled with the power I held in my hands. However, still ignorant of most of the terms being suggested to me. I have been reading online about these terms when hanging out with my little man. I have found this website to be very helpful. (Digital Photograph School)

I have made a little cheat sheet based on these 4 pages of lessons...

Here is my exposure triangle - cheat sheet (click to view larger and clearer) :

Of all of these - the one I understand the least is aperture...I will have to do an experiment in it to get my head around the difference. I am a visual learner.

This week I have to do a "tummy time" picture of my little man for his birth club photo..I am also thinking I may attempt a photo of myself & little man with the camera on my tripod using the natural light in our living room window...this may be a bit ambitious. I do not have many of my babe & I...have to start somewhere!

Anyone attempting their own projects this week? I know my next project today will be cleaning up my kitchen (never ending project).

Friday, April 1, 2011

It really worked!!

Last night I had my hands full (literally) with my little man, hosting an art show opening and attempting to use my manual settings on the Canon. I feel I have this new freedom of not requiring the flash anymore! All the photos were taken on manual settings..800 iso, wb shade, F-stop 6 (I think) camera was shared with my co-worker during this time as I had to feed the baby. I "think" i took all of these shots. I love love love the black and white photo.

I am excited to attempt this again - when I can focus more on my camera. But a very good experience and I am realizsng how much power there is in learning to use my camera properly.

Thanks for the tips ladies...(and comments are open now)